Sunday, February 3, 2013

A [PIG] and A [RABBIT]

"DIY Wooden Family Wall Art

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Pig & Rabbit 

-- a pig & a rabbit -- snuggling inside my heart --- 

The Angry Rabbit and the Bitter Pig

There once was an angry rabbit and a bitter pig. They lived together in a hovel of a home, and they wallowed in their wretchedness. They weren't married, they hated each other far to much for such nonsense. They told people they were friends, and they might as well have been with all the time they spent together.

One morning the rabbit got up early and went out to mourn the loss of her last little daisy. There had been a nasty frost the night before and she shivered there, in the unimpressive presence of the lazy little sunrise that cast a cold blue light on the frozen earth beneath her feet.

The pig had woken just minutes after the rabbit had crawled out of bed. He pulled on an old grey sweater, the only sweater he had, and went to join his miserable friend in all her wretchedness.

"Good morning Rabbit," he called from the doorway. The rabbit looked up at him and then back down at her daisy.

"We're running out of money pig. We'll be bankrupt before winter if we keep on keeping on how we've been keeping on."

Pig trotted over to rabbit and speculated at things. He speculated at the air, and he speculated at the brown withered daisy lying crumpled and dead on the ground at their feet.

"Well unless you've got some grand, liquor-laced plan, I do suppose we're already done in. Let's just direct ourselves in the direction of the farmer's, let him know we've given up. He'll make me into a delicious pork stew, and he'll snap your neck, and make you into a delicious rabbit stew. Or perhaps he'll throw us into the same stew and call it pig rabbit soup?" Pig trailed off and kicked the dirt at his feet, leaving the dirt to wonder what it had ever done to him. Rabbit looked at Pig and when he didn't look back she turned her attention onto to the ground.

"Yes Pig, I do have an idea. We've got that extra room downstairs and I think we should rent it out to someone. Times are hard, so we won't charge much, just enough so that we ourselves don't drown in debt."

Pig shook his head. He didn't like new ideas, or new ways of doing things, or just plain new. He hated new, and he hated different, and he hated change.

"I don't like it Rabbit. This renter'll be some yuppie who'll try to change us. He'll try to cheer us up and make us happy, and I won't stand for it. I've been miserable since I was born and I sure as heck ain't gonna change that now."

"Look Pig, I don't like change either, but I also don't like being bankrupt so we'll just have to buck up and do it. In the long run, if we stick together, maybe it'll even make us more miserable. Would that make you happy?"

"No. I don't want to be more miserable or less miserable. I want to stay the same miserable. I've been exactly this miserable since-"

"Since you were born Pig, since you were born. I understand; you've told me a million times. Sometimes you have to do things, even if you don't want to, and even if you're afraid that they're going to make you happy."

"Fine Rabbit, we'll find a renter," Pig moaned. Rabbit nodded and shouldered past her friend who wasn't really her friend, but acted more like a cruel sibling, or cold father, or an angry child.

"I had a feeling you'd see it my way Pig."

"I had that same sort of feeling."

Three weeks went by before Pig and Rabbit's add in the paper was answered by a friendly young horse named Gerald. He had a nice soft voice and a pleasant way of looking right into your eyes when he talked to you. They instantly hated the cheery newcomer but in accordance with the mounds and stacks and piles of bills in their humble hovel of a home they had no choice but to offer him the empty room in their cellar. He stayed there pleasantly wishing them good morning in the mornings he went off to work and good night when he got home. Gerald always paid his rent on time and he never gave Pig or Rabbit anything to complain about, except the fact that they never had anything to complain about.

One day Pig and Rabbit were eating a perfectly good lunch that apparently wasn't good enough to stop them from griping about it.

"My salad is cold," Pig griped.

"Yeah well it's supposed to be cold. It's a salad. At least yours ain't warm like mine."

"You're a foolish little bunny Miss. Rabbit. Us pigs are supposed to be some of the smartest animals there are. Did you know that?"

"Did I know what? That you're an arrogant swine with your nose in the air? Shoot, I've known that since I met you."

Pig leered across the table at Rabbit, and she leered right back at him. In the middle of all this leering neither of the two noticed Gerald walking slowly, steadily, happily up the stairs.

"Good morning you two!" he exclaimed cheerfully. The pig and the rabbit glared lividly at him.

"It is a morning, the quality thereof however, eludes me," the pig responded. Gerald smiled at him.

"What a funny thing to say," the horse commented before leaving to work.

Rabbit looked at Pig, and Pig looked at Rabbit.

"We need to talk Pig."

"About Gerald, naturally."


"I agree, he is far too…"

"Too…happy," they stated in unison.

"I'll talk to him when he gets home from work."

The hours past slowly as if they were a dead fish being drug by a small colony of ants. When Gerald got home Rabbit was waiting for him.

"Sit down Gerald." Gerald sat down.

"Yes Ms. Rabbit?"

"You're just not fitting in with the scenery of this household. I'm going to have to ask for your keys."

"Do you have a complaint about my behavior Ms. Rabbit?"

"Well yes Gerald, I do."

There was a long, some would say awkward, halt in the conversation.

"Well what is it?"

"Well Gerald, I didn't want to have to say this, but you're too happy for Pig and I."

"I already paid this month's rent. Can I have a refund?"

"Actually Gerald, Pig and I are going go ahead and keep you're money and ask you to kindly be on your way."

So Gerald left, and the angry rabbit and the bitter pig were left to wallow in their wretchedness for the rest of their lives…The End.

Now I know what you're all thinking. What does she mean by this? What am I supposed to learn from this story? Don't worry, I'm going to tell you. The moral of my little story is that if you are an angry or bitter person do not live with another angry or bitter person because, quite frankly, you people are stinking up this place for the rest of us. We don't want to hear it anymore. I'm sick of it! I'm sick of your whining and griping all the time. Are you so incapable of getting over yourself- maybe she left you because you're annoying. Sorry, someone had to say it."^  ^;...

"Got here reading this story was exciting funny awesome adventure for this is what i been through."^  ^;...

February 03,2013
Sunday, 04:25 PMGot 

1 comment:

  1. "MariaClariza
    Got here reading this story was exciting funny awesome adventure for this is what i been through.

    Narating ko ang magbasa ng istoryang ito at maging interisado sa kaligayahan, at natatanging paglalakbay
    na kung kaya ito ay aking kinahinatnan at natuntunan."^ ^;
