Thursday, February 7, 2013

Year of the [RABBIT] October 20,1999/ [Mr. JochenKarl Colinayo Espela Oetzel]


1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999

The rabbit is one of the most delicate animals among all 12 animals. Rabbits are usually kind and sweet and of course, popular people. Nobody ignores them, for they are good company and know how to make the best of themselves.
A rabbit's home is always a beautiful one cause Rabbit people are famous for their artistic sense and good taste. They are also usually well-dressed. Go check out your Rabbit friend's closet, I bet you will find many expensive and beautiful clothing there.

But even though they are popular and loved by their friends and family, rabbit people are also pessimistic. They are conservative and insecure, and that explains why most of the them don't like changes.

Calm as they are, it is not easy to provoke Rabbit people. They don't like to argue and enjoy quiet, peaceful lives. They are also sentimental and compassionate. Yes, and they cry easily too. They can be moved by personal problems you share with them. Therefore, if you work as a salesman for a living, you will have much better luck with rabbit people - Nine out of Ten Rabbit people will definitely buy your products!

Call them cautious or call them timid, rabbit people will undertake nothing before they have weighed the pros and cons from every angle. And that is probably why rabbit people are doing well in their work. And yet, unless they abandon their conservative nature, and become more aggressive, they will probably live a very normal, and average life.

They can be great partners in relationships. Romantic and sweet, faithful too, rabbit people never lack of suitors. . Male rabbits are sometimes picky, and perhaps not a family man. And female rabbits should probably spend less time admiring themselves in front of the mirror and spend more time with friends.

The Rabbit is quick, clever and ambitious, but seldom finishes what he starts. He epitomizes gentleness, refinement and elegance, turning his back on conflicts of any kind. Preferring a situation that is perfectly favorable according to his specific desires, the Rabbit bypasses all obstacles and persons he does not find suitable. As a result, he is rarely angry, hostile or aggressive. Companions quickly forget any discord, only remembering his seductive grace.

The Rabbit is the happiest sign of the Zodiac -- gifted, nice to be with, discreet, refined, reserved, ambitious but not too much so, and virtuous in the bargain. Nobody ignores Rabbits, for they are good company and know how to make the best of themselves. Unfortunately, however, Rabbits are superficial and their good qualities are superficial also.

The Rabbit is a social creature, tactful, cool, and sensitive to others. Yet this calm can become aloof, the sensitivity can be quirky and thin-skinned, and the intelligence can become dilettantish. The Rabbit is lucky -- with brains and only a little hard labor, the Rabbit can go far.

Rabbits seem to be born with an innate sagacity, a natural shrewdness which makes them streetwise when it comes to the affairs of the world. Intuitive and with a canny understanding, they seem to possess an ability to see things before they happen, a talent which secures them the best deals both in business and in life, whilst also ensuring them financial stability and security. With perfect understanding of their partners, they frequently have the advantage, and in the practice of human relations, they are unrivaled in what requires subtle negotiations. They will undertake nothing before they have weighed the pros and cons and examined the deal from every angle. Because of this, people admire the Rabbit and take him into their confidence. He shines in trade, especially in some offbeat aspect of it like antiques, which permits him to capitalize on his good taste. Politics, diplomacy and the law all offer the Rabbit equally good opportunities -- provided always that he can live the tranquil life he craves within their orbit.

Style as well as an eye for beauty are especially associated with this group whose members possess refined tastes together with artistic skills. Highly creative people, art is of particular interest to them. Because of the Rabbit's built-in acquisitive nature, many become great collectors, filling their houses with beautiful paintings and objets d'art. In whatever walk of life Rabbits find themselves, they will always be distinguished by this sense of refinement and their cultured views. Elegant both physically and intellectually, Rabbits will always stand out from the crowd either as extremely stylish dressers or because they create an individualistic fashion statement of their own.

During the three phases of his life, the Rabbit will manage to have the peaceful existence he wants on one condition: that he keeps away from the exceptional situation, the dramatic turn of events, or the insurmountable obstacle. Wars, revolutions, natural catastrophes have nothing to do with him; he wasn't designed for adversity. Anything that threatens his quiet life becomes insupportable.

There is usually something offbeat and mysterious in the Rabbit's makeup, as though he held the secret to some great truth that he dare not reveal. It must be remembered that the Rabbit's apparent weakness can easily be changed into strength -- from man to magician to god.

The Sensual Rabbit

Though Rabbits are sensitive, sentimental creatures, emotional and easily moved to tears, when it comes to committing themselves to a long-term relationship they can be quite mercenary. Their driving passion is a desire for an easy life, filled with as much comfort and luxury as they can get. Thus they are more likely to show their allegiance to someone who will not only provide security and stability but who will also guarantee as much of la dolce vita as possible. But to give them their due, once they have found the right partner they make faithful husbands or wives, devoting themselves to their families and to their homes. By the way, their sensuality usually ensures that the Rabbit family will be a large one.

Affectionate and obliging though he is with those he loves, faithful and loving though he is, the Rabbit finds it easy to benefit his friends at the expense of those nearest to him; he's not really a family man, and that's the truth of it. Often enough, he regards his parents or his children almost as strangers to whom he prefers the cronies of his own choice. So far as female Rabbits are concerned, they can always be relied on to do their duty, but their maternal instinct in fact is strictly limited.

The honest Dog and scrupulous Boar get on well with Rabbits. The Rabbit will settle down well with the Ram whose artistic sense he appreciates. The Horse and Tiger do not suit them. There is good interaction with the Ox. The Rabbit should remember to avoid the Rat like the plague!

April is the month of the Rabbit. The time of the Rabbit is from 5:00 a.m. to 6:59 a.m.; their direction of orientation is the east. The Rabbit's color is light green.


(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)
Rat 32 - Not compatible.
Ox 67 - This could work.
Tiger 46 - Difficult. Possible convenience marriage
Rabbit 71 - Why not? As long as they have loads of $$$.
Dragon 85 - Good team.
Snake 61 - Think again.
Horse 52 - Why not just be friends?
Sheep 82 - Nice couple.
Monkey 73 - Amusing.
Rooster 55 - Well, maybe not.
Dog 77 - Fine, as long as they keep it cool.
Pig 91 - Good, very good and everything will be fine.

Walt Whitman Marie Curie Hu, Shee Michelangelo Buonarroti Napoleon Buonaparte Albert Einstein
1999 - The Year of Rabbit

(quotes from "Chinese Lunar Calendar")

For Rabbit people, the year of rabbit is your year. Yet this doesn't mean everything will be going your way as you wish. Money will be comfortable but try not to spend too much too quickly, sometimes, you are too generous with tips. If you are in a relationship, it is time to make a move in November. You will get the help you need from your mother's side of family in March, but be extra careful when you drive in August. October is not a good month for you, but attending wedding will bring you luck. Your best month is June."^  ^;...

February 08,2013
Friday, 09:35 AM

Year of the [PIG] October 05,1947/ [Mr. Jochen Joseph Oetzel]


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Pigs are models of sincerity, purity, tolerance, and honor. When you first meet them, Pigs seem too good to be true. They are careful and caring, obliging and chivalrous. Put your trust in him, he won't let you down and he will never try to. The Pigs simply want to do everything right.
Pigs are the people everyone admires most. Make a list of the Pigs in your life: aren't they the nicest, most loving and scrupulously caring people around?

Pigs are born to give, to yield and to serve. Frankly speaking, most people take advantage of this Pig nature. Also, not only are Pigs easy to fool, they like it that way too. No matter how old they get, Pig people still only see and believe that all men/women are basically good. Pig people constantly sacrifice their own happiness and comfort for the sake of somebody else.

The Pig is a splendid companion. If you have a lifetime Pig friend, don't think that your worries are over. Pigs are loyal, faithful and giving - only as long as they approve of you. In order to keep your lifetime Piggy friend, remember, never try to force your opinions on a Pig - A Pig rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it.

The Pig doesn't say much - but when he does decide to speak, suddenly, nothing can stop him until he runs out of subjects. Like the Monkey, the Pig is intellectual - a character with a great thirst for knowledge.

Some people claim that Pigs are snobbish. Manners, breeding and good taste are of enormous importance to them. In fact, pigs are aesthetic. Pigs are born with an excellent nose for style in everything. Food is another of Piggy's little sins. Pigs adore food, and after-dinner chocolates. The Pig often over-eats, but he eats with good taste.

In relationship, Pig people are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage-type. But on the other hand, Pigs are also possessive, jealous and exclusive.

When encountering the Pig, we sense his or her quiet sincerity and purity. The Pig is so honest that he feels guilty for the slightest error, and he is more indulgent and forgiving of others than he is of himself. He is without artifice or pretense, and dislikes forcing himself on others or being the center of attention. Chivalrous, gallant, obliging, scrupulous to a fault, the Pig is naive, innocent, confident, and defenseless. He allows himself to be duped easily, accepts his own faults calmly, and those of others with tolerant understanding. He is incredibly sincere, almost to the point of doing himself harm, and always disarmed by the bad faith of others. He lies rarely, and then only to defend himself. Powerless against hypocrisy, he will often crucify himself in an attempt to justify his actions. He is an absolutely straight dealer and it's very rarely that he will accept a compromise. Ironically, though the Pig believes without question whatever anyone tells him, he is always finding it necessary to produce proof of what he himself asserts!
People born in the Year of the Pig have a taste for la dolce vita. Possessing a strong sense of luxury, they can be extravagant and take great pleasure in pampering themselves and their loved ones; they delight in the stimulation of the senses. However, when they need to work they will get right to it. At these times a half-hearted attitude just won't do; where they're concerned, it's all or nothing.

The Pig is a splendid companion, so much fun, and game for a risque evening. He doesn't say much, but when he does decide to speak, suddenly the barriers are down and nothing can stop him until the subject's exhausted.

Like the Monkey, the Pig is intellectual, a character with a great thirst for knowledge. He reads a lot, but reads anything that happens to be around. Although he appears to be well read, the Pig's knowledge is only superficial. Referring to this, a Japanese proverb says that the Pig is "wide of face but narrow in the back."

The Pig is sensitive, caring, and indulgent. Not only intelligent and cultured, the Pig also has a streak of bawdiness and earthiness. Their various indulgences can verge on gluttony. Unlike the conniving Machiavellian pigs of Animal Farm, Chinese Pigs tend to be helpless and insecure. During fat spells they suddenly lose all and are unable to defend themselves, much less attack others. Pigs in general are lucky but lazy.

Pigs can be very practical, logical and down to earth. They may at times be considered somewhat cool and reserved because, blessed as they are with composure and self-control, they don't usually allow emotion to cloud the issue. They are cheerful and love company and social life. They find it very easy to make friends and also seem to hang on to them for life. For them the Pig is capable of the greatest sacrifices. He is extremely considerate of the chosen few who do merit his affection. The women of this sign like nothing better than to make presents for people and organize parties; they are marvelous hostesses.

Whatever his ambitions may be, whatever the tasks and goals he has set himself, the Pig will do his duty with all the strength he is capable of, and that same strength can be an inner force to be reckoned with, a force that nothing can oppose. Once a Pig has come to a decision, nothing can stop him from carrying it out. But before he arrives at it, he spends ages weighing the pros and cons, which sometimes gives the impression that he is indecisive. Nothing could be further from the truth, but to make sure he is avoiding any possible complications, he will sometimes ponder for so long that he destroys his own case.

Untiring workers, Pigs will succeed in their careers, especially if they are their own boss. Because they like to accumulate ancient objects and fine pictures, they might become art dealers, specializing in antiquities. Their aim is to live in relative affluence, both for themselves and their families, and to enjoy the pleasures of life. Materially, the Pig will always have all the necessities of life, regardless of his chosen career. Work and money in sufficient quantities seems to gravitate his way without his having to make any particular effort. People will help him all his life, and thanks to this help he will be able, if he wishes, to reach the highest heights in the financial world.

Popular superstition in the East says that people help him thus just to fatten him up so he will make a better meal over the New Year. Because of this, the Pig may be overwary and trust nobody. If the Pig's birthdate is a long time before the traditional feasts, he will escape a lot of the disappointments in store for him. However, the closer it is to the Asiatic New Year, the more he will be betrayed, ridiculed, duped, and perhaps in the long run, eaten!

Though generally tolerant and fairly placid people, when absolutely backed into a corner, Pigs can turn vicious. When they find that their friendship and good nature have been seriously abused, they will give no quarter and that friendship will somewhat unceremoniously be cut short. Perhaps they can be accused of exhibitionism, of being flirtatious and even licentious at times, but there is no doubt that Pigs in general are very good sorts -- honest, decent, generous, supportive, loyal to their friends, and thoroughly trustworthy.

The first phase of the Pig's life will be relatively calm. During the second, every conceivable conjugal problem will be visited upon him. But whatever his troubles, the Pig, discreet and shy, will never ask anybody else for help; he'll try to get out of the mess by himself. His reticence in this respect may do him harm, for nobody will even suspect the torment he's going through.

The Passionate Pig

Above all else, Pigs are sensual, self-indulgent creatures. They adore anything that smacks of physical pleasure, whether it is gorging themselves with sweetmeats or idling a whole day away with their newfound heart throbs between their satin sheets. Passionate by nature, some younger Pigs could tend towards promiscuity while some of the older ones could well become bawdy and lascivious. Unfortunately for them, love seems somehow to befog many a Pig; when deeply smitten, their emotions become rather transparent and they can become putty in the hands of unscrupulous types who can induce them to behave quite out of character. They may often be deceived, often disappointed, often made a fool of ... and often loved. The female Pig makes a very good mother.

Pigs are loving and loyal to their mates, and caring and considerate towards those they love. In any close, intimate relationship it is friendship that the Pig will value most. Settled with the right partner, these generous, warm hearted individuals will enjoy happy and contented lives, developing their talents within that supportive framework and devoting themselves completely to their family and their loved ones. With their simplicity of soul and their sensual appreciation of nature, the Pig always seeks the authentic and the true in personal relationships.

The Pig would be well advised to share his or her life with those born under the sign of the Rabbit -- that's the surest way of avoiding arguments. They must keep out of the clutches of the Snake, who will make a complete slave out of the Pig in no time, enmeshing the Pig in his coils to the extent that the poor Pig loses all power of movement. The Ram will take advantage of him. Like the Rabbit, the Tiger and Rat are excellent partners for the Pig, but the Monkey is not honest enough for his taste.

December is the month of the Pig. The time of the Pig is from 9:00 p.m. to 10:59 p.m.; their direction of orientation is north-northwest. The Pig's color is dark blue.


  • Image details

  •     Winnie the Pooh and friends wallpapers
  •     1024 X 768 | 51.4KB jpeg

(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)

Rat 88 - These two make marvelous mates
Ox 69 - Why not, it worth a try.
Tiger 77 - They are very different, but this will work.
Rabbit 91 - Very compatible. Everything will be good.
Dragon 94 - Most Dragon/Pig marriages last forever.
Snake 45 - The Pig can never please the Snake.
Horse 75 - This relationship worth a try.
Sheep 98 - One of the happiest possible combinations.
Monkey 81 - This could work. They admire each other.
Rooster 72 - The Pig is patient, this could work.
Dog 84 - They share their thoughts and feeling.
Pig 92 - An excellent match.

Maruice Ravel Woody Allen Julie Andrews Ronald Reagan Alfred Hitchcock Steven Spielberg
1999 - The Year of Rabbit

(quotes from "Chinese Lunar Calendar")

The year of rabbit will be a very year for fame and fortune for you. Make use of your intelligence and your kindness, this will bring you even more luck. Watchout for the friends around you, some of them are just using you. January is a good month to start a partnership. April is the month for traveling, beware of eye illness or injury. Think carefully before you make a decision in August, as some of the decision might bring you troubles in the future. Romanace is coming your way in November."^   ^;...

February 08,2013
Friday, 08:45 AM

Sunday, February 3, 2013


"The Scales
September 24 to October 23

Libra Traits

Diplomaitic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side....

Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily infuenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent


    The finer things in life

    Being a slave to fashion 

Your ruling planet is VENUS

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.723
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.62
Equatorial radius (km) 6,052
Polar radius (km) 6,052
Body rotation period (hours) 5823
(Retrograde) Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 2.12
Number of observed satellites 0

Some more interesting facts about your sign:

The symbol associated with your sign is the scales of balance
representing the balance that you continually seek in your self and your life. The scales were also
adopted by our judicial system to symbolize a balance of fairness in the law which is emphasized by 'blind justice' holding them.

The color of choice for Libra is Blue

Your starstone is the precious Sapphire. The Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and sought after gems in the quartz family. It is considered good luck in many ways and one of the major healing stones.


There is, and always have been, a controversy over "starstones". Starstones are NOT birthstones.  I give you here in these pages the stones that are called your starstones, (planet stones), which viberates the strongest to your planet or sign, NOT to the month that you were born.   I would also like it if those who think they know precisely what their stone is to go to the library and reference some good Astrology books such as 'Parkers Astrology'.    Sorry for the confusion, but confusion over this topic has raged for hundreds of years.

Some Famous Librians That Share Your Sign!

September 23, 1920 - Mickey Rooney - Actor
September 23, 1943 - Julio Inglesias - Singer
September 24, 1896 - F.Scott Fitsgerald - Writer
September 24, 1942 - Linda McCartney - Paul's Wife
September 25, 1897 - William Faulkner - Writer
September 25, 1906 - Dimitri Shotakovich - Composer
September 25, 1931 - Barbara Walters - Interviewer
September 25, 1932 - Juliet Prowse - Dancer
September 25, 1944 - Michael Douglas - Actor
September 25, 1952 - Christopher Reeve - Actor
September 26, 1888 - T.S. Elliot - Poet
September 26, 1898 - George Gershwin - Composer
September 26, 1924 - Marcello Mastroiani - Actor
September 26, 1948 - Olivia Newton John - Singer
September 26, 1956 - Linda Hamilton - Actress
September 27, 1920 - William Conrad - Writer
September 27, 1933 - Greg Morris - Actor
September 27, 1947 - Cheryl Tiegs - Model
September 27, 1958 - Shaun Cassidy - Singer
September 28, 1902 - Ed Sulllivan - TV Host
September 28, 1909 - Al Capp - Cartoonist
September 28, 1916 - Peter Finch - Actor
September 28, 1933 - Sylvia Kars - Sex therapist
September 28, 1934 - Bridgette Bardot - Actress
September 28, 1967 - Moon Zappa - Celebrity
September 29, 1901 - Enrico Fermi - Scientist
September 29, 1907 - Gene Autry - Singer
September 29, 1908 - Greer Garson - Actress
September 29, 1942 - Madeline Kahn - Actress
September 29, 1943 - Lech Walesa - Activist
September 29, 1935 - Jerry Lee Lewis - Singer
September 29, 1948 - Bryant Gumbel - TV Host
September 30, 1921 - Deborah Kerr - Actress
September 30, 1924 - Truman Copote - Writer
September 30, 1929 - Robert Duval - Actor
October 1, 1847 - Annie Besant - Occultist
October 1, 1888 - Mark E. Jones - Astrologer
October 1, 1920 - Walter Mathhau - Actor
October 1, 1921 - James Whitmore - Actor
October 1, 1924 - James Earl Carter - President US
October 1, 1928 - George Peppard - Actor
October 1, 1930 - Richard Harris - Actor
October 1, 1935 - Julie Andrews - Actress
October 1, 1941 - Randy Quaid - Actor
October 2, 1890 - Groucho Marx - Comedian
October 2, 1869 - Mahatma Gandhi - Pacifist
October 2, 1906 - Willie Ley - Science Writer
October 2, 1938 - Rex Reed - Journalist
October 2, 1951 - Sting - Musician

October 3, 1900 - Thomas Wolf - Writer
October 3, 1909 - Chuby Checker - Singer
October 3, 1925 - Gore Vidal - Writer
October 4, 1814 - Jean F. Millet - - Artist
October 4, 1822 - Rutherford Hayes - President US
October 4, 1923 - Charlton Heston - Actor
October 4, 1946 - Susan Sarandon - Actor
October 5, 1923 - Philip Berrigan - Activist
October 5, 1925 - Richard Gordon - Astronaut
October 5, 1951 - Bob Geldolf - Organizer
October 6, 1908 - Carol Lombard - Actress
October 6, 1820 - Jenny Lind - Singer
October 6, 1887 - Le Corbusier - Architect
October 6, 1906 - Janet Gainer - Actress
October 7, 1849 - James W. Riley - Poet
October 7, 1885 - Neils Bohr - Physicist
October 7, 1900 - Heinrich Himmler - Nazi
October 7, 1917 - June Allyson - Actress
October 7, 1927 - R.D. Laing - Psychologist
October 7, 1931 - Desmond Tutu - Statesman
October 7, 1943 - Oliver North - Celebrity
October 7, 1951 - John Mellencamp - Singer
October 8, 1890 - Eddie Rickenbacker - Military
October 8, 1985 - Juan Peron - President
October 8, 1941 - Jesse Jackson - Activist
October 8, 1936 - Rona Barret - Columnist
October 8, 1949 - Sigouney Weaver - Actress
October 9, 1835 - Camille St.Saens - Composer
October 9, 1890 - Aimee S. McPherson - Religious Leader
October 9, 1911 - Charles Jayne - Astrologer
October 9, 1940 - John Lennon - Beatle
October 10, 1813 - Guiseppe Verdi - Composer
October 10, 1900 - Helen Hayes - Actress
October 10, 1924 - James Clavell - Writer
October 10, 1954 - James Eshelman - Astrologer
October 10, 1955 - David Lee Roth - Musician
October 11, 1884 - Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady
October 12, 1875 - Aleister Crowley - Occultist
October 12, 1932 - Dick Gregory - Comedian
October 12, 1935 - Luciano Pavarotti - Singer
October 13, 1853 - Lillie Langtry - Actress
October 13, 1921 - Yves Montand - Actor
October 13, 1925 - Lenny Bruce - Comedian
October 13, 1925 - Margaret Thacher - Prime Minister
October 13, 1956 - Judy Blumberg - Skater
October 14, 1888 - Katherine Mansfield - Writer
October 14, 1890 - Dwight Eisenhower - President US
October 14, 1896 - Lillian Gish - Actress
October 14, 1894 - E.E. Cummings - Poet

October 14, 1916 - C. Everett Koop - Physician General
October 14, 1928 - Roger Moore - Actor
October 14, 1938 - John Dean - Attorney
October 15, 1917 - Arthur Schlesinger - Writer
October 15, 1959 - Sarah Ferguson - Royalty
October 15, 1844 - Friedrich Nietzsche - Writer
October 15, 1924 - Lee A. Iacocca - Corporate Figure
October 15, 1943 - Penny Marshall - Actress
October 16, 1854 - Oscar Wilde - Writer
October 16, 1886 - David Ben-Gurion - Political Leader
October 16, 1888 - Eugene O'Neill - Writer
October 16, 1923 - Linda Darnell - Actress
October 16, 1925 - Angela Lansbury - Actress
October 16, 1939 - Batya Stark - Astrologer
October 16, 1946 - Suzanne Somers - Actress
October 17, 1915 - Arthur Miller - Writer
October 17, 1918 - Susan Hayworth - Actress
October 17, 1920 - Montgomery Clift - Actor
October 17, 1931 - Jimmy Breslin - Politician
October 17, 1932 - Paul Anderson - Weight Lifter
October 17, 1938 - Evel Knievel - Dare Devil
October 17, 1949 - Margot Kidder - Actress
October 18, 1922 - Jess Helms - Politician
October 18, 1927 - George C. Scott - Actor
October 18, 1960 - J.C. Van Damm - Actor
October 18, 1956 - Martina Nvratilova - Sports Figure
October 19, 1912 - John Profumo - Scandal
October 19, 1922 - Jack Anderson - Journalist
October 19, 1931 - John Lecarre - Writer
October 19, 1932 - Robert Reed - Actor
October 19, 1945 - John Lithgow - Actor
October 20, 1854 - Arthur Rimbaud - Poet
October 20, 1882 - Bela Lugosi - Actor
October 20, 1859 - John Dewey - Educator
October 20, 1926 - Art Buchwald - Columnist
October 20, 1936 - Bobby Seale - Activist
October 21, 1833 - Alfred Nobel - Chemist
October 21, 1952 - Patti Regan - President’s daughter
October 21, 1956 - Carrie Fisher - Actress
October 22, 1811 - Franz Liszt - Composer
October 22, 1905 - Constance Bennett - Actress
October 22, 1917 - Margot Fontaine - Dancer
October 22, 1922 - Timothy Leary - Professor
October 22, 1942 - Annette Funicello - Mouseketeer
October 22, 1937 - Tommy Lasorda - Sports Figure
October 22, 1952 - Pattie Davis - Celebrity
October 22, 1952 - Jeff Goldblum - Actor
October 23,1844 - Sarah Bernhardt - Actress
October 23,1894 - Charles Atlas - Body Builder
October 23, 1925 - Johnny Carson - TV Host

MY Personal HISTORY my LIBRAN Family:

September 26,1974 - MariaClariza Colinayo Espela Oetzel - MOTHER

October 05,1947 - Jochen Joseph Oetzel - FATHER

Image details

  • Jan Brett 1999 Calendar - October grid
  • 670 X 900 | 62.5KB jpeg

"I paint this with water color last October 05,1999 (TUESDAY)"^  ^;... 
websites at:

October 20,1999 - JochenKarl Colinayo Espela Oetzel - SON

We share the greatness, In everything we serve."^  ^;...

February 04,2013
Monday, 12:46 PM

Cat Stevens Father and SON

"Cat Stevens Father And Son Lyrics

Image details

  • Cat Stevens Father And Son Stevens Paul Samwell-Smith Rate
  • 730 X 730 | 158.5KB jpeg

 Sta. Magdalena Sorsogon with:
Jochen Joseph Oetzel
MariaClariza C. Espela
JochenKarl C. Espela

Send "Father And Son" Ringtone to your Cell
Songwriters: SEGER, BOB
It's not time to make a change, 
Just relax, take it easy. 
You're still young, that's your fault, 
There's so much you have to know. 
Find a girl, settle down, 
If you want you can marry. 
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy. 

I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy, 
To be calm when you've found something going on. 
But take your time, think a lot, 
Why, think of everything you've got. 
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not. 

How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again. 
It's always been the same, same old story. 
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen. 
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away. 
I know I have to go. 

It's not time to make a change, 
Just sit down, take it slowly. 
You're still young, that's your fault, 
There's so much you have to go through. 
Find a girl, settle down, 
If you want you can marry. 
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy. 
(Son-- Away Away Away, I know I have to 
Make this decision alone - no) 
All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside, 
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it. 
If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them They know not me. 
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away. 
I know I have to go. 
(Father-- Stay Stay Stay, Why must you go and 
Make this decision alone?)"^   ^;...

February 04,2013
Monday, 12:45 PM

"Father And Son
a POEM by: 
Mary Nagy

    Image details

  •     the poem "Father and Son" by Mary Nagy and the excerpt "Father and Son ...
  •     218 X 281 | 10.9KB jpeg

  • Image details

  •     Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love - ~ ~Remembering Jesus' Love~ ~
  •     800 X 600 | 67KB 

  • Image details

  •     Smallpox+virus+under+microscope
  •     333 X 441 | 30.1KB gif

"Father And Son

You're standing in the doorway. 
Your workday is all done. 
He waits to see you everyday, 
this boy that is your son. 

He hopes you will go fishing. 
He hopes you'll shoot the gun. 
He just wants to be with you, 
this boy that is your son. 

He is your spitting image. 
To him you are ''The One''. 
He hopes to be just like you, 
this boy that is your son. 

You show him what a man is. 
You teach as you have fun. 
You are admired as well as loved 
by this boy that is your son. 

You've got a friend forever. 
Until the world is done. 
Then, still you will be holding 
this man that is your son. 

Mary Nagy
Submitted: Monday, November 28, 2005
Edited: Saturday, May 13, 2006"^    ^;...

February 04,2013
Monday, 12:45 PM